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Our work

Our work

Diving in

Pie chart with three sections: "know you know", "know you don't know", and "don't know you don't know"

When we start a new project, we get to know our clients using a variety of discovery techniques. Depending on the scale of the project or its complexity we might recommend a Thinkathon in which we seek to map the complexity of your project, organisation and context.

Radical Collab

The do-my-users-case-ometer

We’ll use open approaches to provide a different, connected approach to the problems your organisation is trying to solve. We’ll design and deliver both the strategy and the tactics by working hand-in-hand with you and your colleagues. We don’t work ‘for’ you, we work with you.

Yellow dividing line

We Are Open for building communities

4 Stages of Engagement: awareness, first engagement, build relationship, deepen engagement

How do we create engagement? We build confident communities and help people engage with your organisation or programme in an open way. Often, we start projects with a Thinkathon to gather context and create visuals that help us talk about ideas with your various stakeholders.

Read about how we’ve empowered citizens and contributors for Red Hat and Greenpeace.

Red dividing line

We Are Open to connecting the dots

Organic growth is great, it means you’re being responsive to people’s needs. However, this can eventually lead to processes and structures that are complex and inefficient. We can help you figure out a strategic way forward, without having to break everything.

Read about how we helped NEAR streamline their processes.

We'll untangle your spaghetti
Green dividing line

We Are Open for storytelling

Content is King, Queen, and everything in between

We like to tell stories, with words, images and a healthy dose of pizzazz. Narrative or stories are a central function of the human mind. Stories are how we remember the past, how we imagine the future, how we create our identities – they are powerful, and they shape our world. We can help you tell yours.

Dark blue dividing line

We Are Open to better structures

We’re keeping the public sector accountable as stewards for a better world. We use open leadership, open engagement, and open mindsets to jumpstart targeted systemic change. We know that the start and structure of a project or programme can greatly influence its scalability and success.

Architecture of Participation (spiral staircase image)
Light blue dividing line

We Are Open for imagining new systems

Kanban (to do, doing, done)

We don’t believe in that famous phrase “if you build it they will come”. Instead, we use user-centric design and engagement methodologies to reimagine and reinvent platforms and programmes. We research how systems affect people’s daily lives, while paying attention to the ethics of the thing, too. 

Yellow dividing line