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Who we are

Penknife with flower appearing from it

We’re a collective of independent thinkers and makers helping charities, ethical companies, government departments and educational institutions with sensemaking and digital transformation.

Yellow dividing line

Some of our clients

Exceeded my expectations. The team are so warm, accessible and supportive and are really great communicators, language and sharing information just right for me. I found their ideas hugely inspiring.

Dawn Cretney, Enterprising Youth CIC
Green dividing line

What we do

Bridge to a better world
We’re different. We have ideas about who we want to work with, and we’re lucky enough to have manifested enough awesomeness to be able to stick to our ideals. We have enough, and we do work we want to do, for people who deserve it.
We'll untangle your spaghetti
How do we untangle complexity? We put on jetpacks and fly up to 10,000 feet so that we can look around (and because flying is fun). Once we’ve had an overview of the problem space, we show our clients how to connect with their work in a different way.
Ideas hamster
We work to strengthen communities and teams, offering workshops, presentations, and strategy sessions – designed specifically for you. We facilitate participatory meetings and events to help companies think outside of the box.